Company Lookup

על-ידי Micro Apps

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Use this application to find international company information

This app searches for online customer, vendor, and contact information in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central based on the company name.
The app is designed and developed to automatically lookup for address, phone number and home-page information for new items. With our advanced search algorithm, you can search for the company name and the best results are shown directly!


  • Save time on finding the company information
  • No more incorrect information as the application automatically enters the values.
  • All phone numbers in the same format (E164)
  • Address information automatically entered in the correct format
  • Works for the Contact, Customer and Vendor cards

Where can I find more information for the company lookup app?
On the Micro Apps website or in the manual.

Amount per month per company. More information on the website: Company Lookup | Micro-Apps

Supported editions

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Countries:
Supported Languages:
Dutch (Netherlands) and English (United States)

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